* Added numbering to Afflictions in the First Aid UI to make it easier to treat when there are multiple instances. * Loot updates to Pleasant Valley to reflect additional beautifications. * UI updates to clarify Encumbered and “buffed” carrying capacity states. * Fixed issue where player could get into a half-buried car on Coastal Highway. * Current episode progress (% Completed) is now displayed as part of Save Game information. * Fixed missing translated strings for “Lake Gunshots” side mission. * Milton is now accessible from both Forlorn Muskeg and Mystery Lake regions. * Fixed progression blocker related to Wood Bin and Flashlight in the Hunting Lodge. * Fixed missing corpses and containers in Broken Railroad region. * Fixed inactive container item in Hunting Lodge basement. * General loot tuning for Broken Railroad region. * Fixed inaccessible loot in Cave in Mountain Town. * Fixed inaccessible loot under bed in the Coastal Highway Quonset. * Fixed inaccessible loot in Turbine Room of Carter Hydro Dam. * General clean up on “out of bounds” areas. * Fixed the sun position in all regions to ensure it rises in the East and sets in the West. * Fixed floating Wood object in Mountain Town. * Fixed floating bones in Forlorn Muskeg Bear Den. * Added missing texture to chair in cinematic. * Additional beautification around Pleasant Valley townsite. * Additional beautification around Coastal Highway Quonset * Reduced opacity of nighttime breath effect.

* General art optimizations to improve performance.

* Added Aurorified Lighting to all regions these appear when the Aurora is active at night. * New Custom Experience Toolbox for Survival Mode. * New Experience Modes for WINTERMUTE: Green Survivor, Capable Survivor, Hardened Survivor * Milton is now playable in Survival Mode, as “Mountain Town”, including a full Loot and Wildlife pass. * Added the Moose-Hide Satchel gear item. * Added the Moose to all Survival Mode regions. NOTE: We are still investigating some issues with the Faithful Cartographer achievement we hope to have it fixed soon and will update shortly. NOTE: Updates to Xbox One and PS4 versions of The Long Dark will be certified, and along with GOG versions, are expected to release next week. We’ve just updated The Long Dark to version 1.16 on STEAM, introducing our first major update to Survival Mode since we launched WINTERMUTE on August 1st. The Long Dark Updated to version 1.16 - “RUGGED SENTINEL”